Wednesday, February 10, 2010

As of late...

We have been staying pretty busy lately! We are SO excited for our home to be done soon! It shouldn't be too much longer. It's at such a fun stage right now because everything is finally coming together. We got our cabinets and countertops put in this past week and the flooring in the bathrooms and laundry room. Today our light fixtures got put in and now we are just waiting for the wood floors and carpet. I'm so proud of Tyson and all of his hard work! He has learned so much and has put forth all of his time and effort so that we can  enjoy and have our own home! Love you babe ;)   
Krew and I have so much fun together everyday! I never knew how hard being a stay at home mom would be! It takes a lot more energy than I ever thought. And I wouldn't trade it for anything! I feel so blessed that I am able to stay at home with him. He is quite the character! It seems like everyday he is doing something new. 
At 14 months he:
-puts keys in the door knobs to try and lock/unlock them
-helps me clean and wipe up all of his messes
-loves to play his daddies guitar and do anything else his daddy does
-turns off the tv when mommy is watching it
-hides all of his pacifiers
-throws things out of his crib so he can say "awe ohh"
-waves to people in the grocery store and while driving in the car
-tries to plug things into the walls
-likes to dance
-still loves the broom
-still hates the vacuum
-says momma, dadda, bye bye, nigh nigh, yum num, awe ohh, and hi
-likes to play peek-a-boo and walk around the room with buckets over his head
-still loves to snuggle
We sure love you Mr. Krew!!


rosie said...

It's about time you posted pics of your house! I'm glad it is almost finished. Krew is so dang cute. I can't believe he is 14 months already. Time sure flies. I'm glad you are loving life! Stay happy!!

Stephanie said...

What a cute kid! The house is looking great! Can't wait to see pictures of it finished (and decorated!)

Amanda said...

He is so cute!! I love you new house! It's so pretty! I am excited for you guys!!!

Rachel said...

Love that picture of you and Krew, super cute!! That is so exciting your house will be done soon. It will be fun to see pictures of the finished result!

Taiya Brown said...

That's so fun your house is almost done! It looks great so far:) We will have to come see it when it's finished. That pic of Krew with the bucket on his head cracks me up, how cute!

marci said...

ash, it looks so great! i remember how stoked i was when we built our first house! exciting. i'm so happy for your guys! krew is a cutie for sure and you were right, being a stay at home mom is the hardest job ever! but i'm pretty certain there is nothing in this world more rewarding! i'm glad you're having so much fun...krew is at such a fun age.

~Mindy~ said...

Love this post and all of the cute things that Krew does. And I must say that I *LOVE* the colors you picked for your countertops, cupboards and wood floors! They are dang near the same colors I want when Jon and I are able to build a house someday! You'll have to keep putting pictures of your house up because I just love that stuff! (And of course keep posting pictures of that cute little boy of yours!) :)