Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've been tagged....

So my sister Alisha tagged me! I am supposed to write 6 insignificant things about myself that no one really knows! There is a good reason why I don't tell people about some of these because they are pretty strange! So here goes- just for your reading pleasure! 

1- Whenever I am at a store, doesn't matter what kind of store, if I see something out of place I HAVE to put it back in its right place! Like if I see a shirt on the ground I will hang it back up. Or if I see a box or a can on the ground or tipped over I will put it back or straighten it! Sometimes if I walk past and don't do it, it bugs me until I go back and do it! It's a pretty annoying habit!

2- I used to be very accident prone. Especially with other peoples cars! One time my mom and dad were out of town and my friend and I decided to attempt to drive my sisters car! Of course she wasn't home either and we were only 14 yrs. old! My friend stood outside the car and gave me directions on how to drive. When she said to put it in reverse I put it in drive and when I pressed on the gas (way too hard) I drove straight into the garage! I took the bricks on the side of the house and some of the siding off with me! I was very blessed I didn't get hurt at all but I did get in big trouble! Another time my dad wanted a shake from DQ and had me drive his WORK truck to get him one! What were you thinking dad? As I was turning the corner in the drive through I didn't turn quite wide enough and smashed the side of the truck into a pole! It dented the whole entire side of the truck and it was pretty hard to get it unstuck! Sorry dad! Don't worry- I haven't wrecked any thing it at least five years!

3- I am the QUEEN at chinese checkers! Tyson and I used to play at night before bed! That is until he got way sick of me beating him every single time! I started to feel bad for him. So I would try to let him beat me and he would STILL lose! Needless to say he started to not have fun and we can't play it anymore! =(

4- I say really, really long prayers! Tyson sometimes times me and they are usually about eight to ten minutes long! Sometimes Tyson even falls asleep! So if it's my night for prayers and we are both really tired, Tyson will have to say them! I try to make them shorter but I can't- I just don't know how!

5- I have to go to the bathroom at least twice before getting in bed! I will get all ready for bed, go to the bathroom, then we will read our scriptures, and then I will go to the bathroom one more time right before I get in bed! Even if I feel like I don't need to go, I will sit there until something comes out! Even if I have to sit there for like ten minutes! I can't fall asleep unless I do! Tyson gets pretty annoyed sometimes! So do I but I just can't help it!

6- I always have to wash my feet off twice in the shower! I will wash them very first thing and then when I am all done with everything else I will wash them one more time before getting out! And it's not like they get really dirty or anything but I am just a germ freak and I like to wash them off twice! And if I don't than I feel like they are not clean! 

So there ya go! I know, I know.... I am very weird! Now you all know how OCD I am about things! Sorry Tyson- you have to put up with so much!
Well I am tagging Aubree, Rosie, Dad, Casie, Chari, Julie, and Karly! You all really should do this! It's a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day at the zoo!

Last weekend Tyson surprised me and took me to the zoo! I have been wanting to go for a while now so he planned a day to take me! We had sooo much fun! My mom, sisters, nieces and nephews, and our good friends Carl and Stacey all came with us! After the zoo we all went to Applebees for lunch! mmmmm! I love Applebees! It got kind of crazy with so many of us but I'm so glad everyone was there! I don't know why I love the zoo so much but I always have so much fun when we go!  Thanks Tyson for surprising me and making it such a fun day! I love you tons! Next time we go we will be able to take our little boy with us! I can't wait! =)

Tyson and Carl being goofy- as usual!
Is it just me or is my face starting to look chubby?!

The elephants were performing tricks for us!

The white Alligator! Kind of creepy looking!